Sunday services: 9.00 am St Paul's Narooma Holy Communion
11.15 am All Saints' Bodalla Holy Communion
Monday: 2.00 pm - Know Your Bible (KYB) Bodalla - .Contact: Narelle Jessep – 4473 8326.
Wednesday: 10.00 am: Holy Communion, St Paul's Narooma
9.45 am: Coffee at Casey's with the Wed. congregation, Prince's Hwy, opposite ANZ Bank. Join us!
10.30 am: Worship Service/Eucharist at Dalmeny Nursing Home.
12:30 pm: Anglican team at MONTY'S PLACE - Uniting Church, Narooma
1.00-3.00 pm: Computer Buddies at Narooma Library during school terms. Contact: Phil 4476 7831
Thursday: 8.30 am – Noble Room, St Paul's Prayer group.
9.30 am: Know Your Bible (KYB). during school terms. Contact Dorothy Allen. 4476 3811
10.00 am: Noble Room - Women’s Bible Study. Contact Mandy Wheatley - 0401 670 132.
11.00 am: Worship Service/Eucharist. Estia Nursing Home, Dalmeny.
Friday: 8.00-9.00 am: Men’s Breakfast in Noble Room. Contact: Arthur 4476 3049
10.00 am-12.00 pm: during term – Mainly Music, at St Paul's Narooma
2nd Tuesday: 2 pm Craft Group in the Noble Room. Contact Libby Tate 4476 7906
2nd Wednesday: 4.00 pm All Saints' Executive Alternating between All Saints & St Paul's. Secretary Colleen Constable - 4473 5307
3rd Wednesday: 7.30 pm Parish Council Noble Room - Peter Tough - 0414 912 099
2nd Thursday: 2.00pm Craft Group at Bodalla Bakery. Contact Lynne Babbage - 0413 386 600
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